Moving Identity / Moving Identities (2021)
For ‘Moving Identity’ Ilke De Vries gave five participants with psychological vulnerabilities an iPad with which to film their daily lives.Over the next two years they met each month to see each other’s material and discuss content, techniques, and the next steps. ‘Moving Identity’, the result of that intensive process, offers an insight into the creative ways people find for dealing with their turbulent lives.
Trailer : screening of the 5 portraits in one videofilm ‘Moving Identities’
Trailer videofilm Moving Identities (the screening)
More info and trailers of the separate films:

trailer on

Still A right to exist co-created by Lucia Spillebeen
trailer on

Presentation in Kunstencentrum Nona
Struggle is part of the participatory video project Moving Identity in which artist Ilke De Vries worked together with five people with a psychological vulnerability over a two-year period.
The participants explored their turbulent existence using cinematic techniques to develop a very personal visual language.
The video installation consists of five monitors, on which five different films can be seen. Based on identical wooden blocks, each participant portrays his own course of live and the struggle that goes with it.
Moving Identity 10/11/2022
Zo veel connecties, zo weinig contact – recensie verbinding (verbroken) door Geert Van der Speeten – 24/09/2022
De kunst van de helende omgeving – Gideon Boie – 1/12/2022, Psyche